Walter continues to be Fringe‘s greatest asset. This week he had to go back inside the mental institute where he spent nearly two decades in an attempt to extract information from an inmate. Today’s subject line comes from his dialog with his son after he is released again. He’s not very self aware, which is what makes him so much fun. The promos for next week’s show make it seem like a revelation.
I viewed Criminal Minds with some trepidation this week, as I’m not a big fan of Jason Alexander and, from the previews, it looked like was going to try to affect some sort of southern plantationer’s accent and demeanor. While I still have some doubts about his long blond mane and affectations, he wasn’t dreadful. The twist ending was handled deftly and hubris was handed its head on a platter. Line of the night came from Reid, who said something to the effect of “I never get any normal fans.”
I’ve learned not to trust the implications some shows choose to leave. Did Miguel go to visit the Ellen Wolf with murderous intent, as they would have us believe, or with amorous intent? At first I thought she was going to think that LaGuerta was asking her out on a date, but they didn’t go that route. And has the skinner gotten to the Deb’s CI or is something else going on there? No doubt Miguel’s days are numbered, and it seems obvious that Dexter will have to handle him eventually, but perhaps the writers have a different resolution to that particular arc in mind. Maybe Miguel will get skinned. Or maybe he’ll get imprisoned thanks to Wolf and taken out of play. Only four more episodes to wrap it all up. It’s a good thing Angel’s new girlfriend has a sense of humor.
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