A few gusts

So far, so good. I hear the odd pine cone falling on our roof, which means there are probably a few gusts of wind, but the storm is still a long way off. There were two fires in Galveston, one at a boat storage facility that ended up surrounded by water, so the firefighters had to just let it burn. The tide is going out in Galveston, so there hasn’t been an amplification of the waves cresting the seawall, but the tides will soon turn and are supposed to be high again around the time the eye makes landfall in the wee small hours of tomorrow.

Curfews everywhere—in Galveston from now until Sunday morning. Not tomorrow morning, Sunday. The mayor of Houston said that Texas doesn’t have looters, a rather ominous delivery that was more of a warning than a boast. Water in the bayous are rising in places as the force of the surge push water into the bay and the ship channel and up the channels.

We’re having a hard time deciding whether the reporters standing on the waterfront in Galveston are bold or foolhardy. Probably a touch of both. Tropical storm gusts are hitting Galveston. The brunt of the storm will take place in the middle of the night. The eye should pass over us here sometime in the daylight hours of tomorrow morning, followed by the back end of the storm. The odd thing is that the wind here is coming from the northeast, due to the counter-clockwise nature of the storm.

No power problems reported yet. Here’s hoping!

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