More twists than a pretzel

Things are heating up on Big Brother much faster than usual. Sheila/Mom and Adam are getting in each other’s face all the time (though she did get snuggly during the HoH contest when things were going okay). Jacob pulled one of the most dunderhead moves in the show’s history, by trying to start a sleazy rumor about Parker without having anything to back it up, and Parker called him out on it. Still, I thought for sure that Sheila and Adam were going to be evicted. Poor Sharon never got a chance. Her inept, ex-boyfriend partner dragged her down like an anchor.

I watched the first episode of season two of Jericho last night. It’s been so long that it’s going to take a while to recapture the charm the show had before it was canceled. I’m not sure I care as much about the show as I once did.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson is getting interesting. I’m wondering when the trajectories of Blomqvist and Salander will collide. The mystery is an intriguing one, because it’s not even clear if a crime was committed, though one suspects that it was. But was it murder, manslaughter, or some sort of fraud? The book makes me chilly, with the frigid Nordic climate.

I hit the estimated halfway point of the novel-in-progress this morning. I’ve been working on it for six weeks, so I’m on track for a March completion of the (very rough) first draft, assuming inspiration continues. For the nonce it appears to be, as I got out of the shower with a sea of plot ideas swirling around in my brain. I had to stop and take notes.

Tonight is “stranded on an island” night: Survivor followed by LOST.

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