Fridays aren’t my best writing days, but I still managed another thousand words, good forward progress. I won’t be at the computer at all tomorrow, so that’s it for my second week working on the novel, a grand total of just under 13,000 words. I’ll be back at it on Sunday or Monday, and I left it off in a great place, which will allow me to dive right back in again after my brief hiatus.
I finished and posted my long Duma Key review last night, too. It explores quite a bit of the book’s plot, so if you are wary of spoilers, you might want to avoid it until after reading the book. I have a few other reviews in nearly complete states; I hope to get them online next week. Now that there’s almost nothing on TV in the evenings, I’m getting more work done.
Last night I caught up on an episode of Law and Order (a recycled plot about Chinese toothpaste that was used in either another L&O spinoff or some similar show very recently) and Without a Trace, which was interesting in that they ended up not locating the missing person even though they knew where she was, more or less. I’m looking forward to the Amazing Race finale on Sunday. Should be a good one.
One more plug for yesterday’s Storytellers Unplugged essay, “You Won’t Believe What Happened Next.” You can either read it or listen to it. I bought a new microphone for my PC yesterday so next month’s podcast should have fewer puffed p’s. And check out News from the Dead Zone later on today for the most recent update.