Bipolar weather around here. Yesterday it was 75°; overnight it was in the 30s. Now it’s in the 50s on its way back up to the high 60s.
House, M.D. was back last night with a new episode, the first in a while. I’m not sure why they didn’t air this one back in December, since it was clearly a seasonal episode. It’s interesting to watch the new team figure out its place in the House world. Another new episode airs after the Super Bowl, and it looks really interesting.
I listed a bunch of books on eBay last night. They’re nursing books, many related to death and dying. Not the usual fare, by any means.
Last night I read through some of my copious research notes for the novel in progress and made notes from my notes for the section I’m starting on. I’ve embarked into new territory, a part of the story that diverges from the short story that inspired me to write this novel. By the end of the week I should be at about 1/3 of my estimated word count. If I keep up this pace, about 1K words per day five days a week, I could be finished the first draft by the end of March, but that’s just wishful thinking.
Yesterday, I saw the cover design for the chapbook Cemetery Dance is issuing of one of my short stories. The tale is called Overtoun Bridge and the cover is by Jill Bauman, a NECON regular and a terrific artist. You may have seen some of her work in the Easton Press edition of The Dead Zone, or on a Penguin family paperback or on the cover of F&SF or any number of other places. I was thrilled by what she did to represent my story, both literally and metaphorically. I’m looking forward to hearing reader reaction to this story, as it is something of a departure for me.