Fight Club, Torchwood style

Another morning of editing. Whenever I find myself bogged down in plot, I usually resort to editing. It’s a bit of a trap that is sometimes hard to break out of. I spend my morning revising up to a point, finish the written section the next morning, then go back to the beginning on the following and I lose forward momentum. I hope to get clear of that by the weekend because I need to get this story done and turned in by the end of the month. It doesn’t have a title yet, either, which is probably another sign that I’m not seeing the big picture yet.

Watched the episode of Torchwood called “Combat” last night. Definitely inspired by Fight Club, though done with a particularly Torchwood sensibility. All I have left is the final two-hour finale, and then I’ll have to wait for season two.

Suddenly it’s hot. The heat index yesterday was around 107°. A mile from where I work, there was an explosion yesterday afternoon when acetylene tanks in the back of a truck just went off all on their own, possibly on account of the heat. Caused a brief stir around here because the early reports were just “explosions” and “gases released into the air.” I found it amusing to see that one news site had rendered “acetylene tanks” as “settling tanks.”

An interesting turn of events in Big Brother last night. At first I thought the PoV contest was as lame as lame could be, but then they got down to the nitty gritty and people started giving up some major benefits to win. What were the spares thinking? Giving up any shot at HoH for five weeks to save an ally who will ultimately turn on them? Jen and Kail had a vested interest in the outcome, but the others, not so much. Not to the extent they seemed to think. I voted on America’s Player to have Eric butter up Dick. C’mon, America, get a sense of humor about this game. Giving him Jessica to pledge eternal allegiance to was a gimme.

I started reading The Sun over Breda last night. It’s the third Captain Alatriste novel by Spanish author Arturo Perez-Reverté. Swashbuckling adventure stories. This one is set in The Netherlands during the Spanish incursion into that country in 1624-25. Good fun.

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