If you really want to know the answer to that question, you’ll have to go to NECON next week. That’s the title of the panel I’m moderating on Saturday morning, and you’ll hear the straight poop from Matt Schwartz, Kelli Dunlap, Paul Puglisi, Jack Haringa, Darryl Schweitzer and Monica Kuebler between 9 am and 10 am. Alas, the con is booked up solid, so you’ll have to wait for the rave reviews and breaking news. Other panel titles: The Sound the Knife Makes as it Enters The Throat, and Those Hollywood #@%&^ Did What To My Book? to name just two.
NECON is my writerly vacation each year. Four the better part of four days, I hang out with folks I’ve known through this con for the past several years, and a batch of new people, too. I’ve made some very good friends via this conference and look forward to adding to that number. It’s the most casual, carefree con in existence. It’s not nicknamed Camp Necon for nothing. We’ll be drinking a lot, eating donuts and Saugies (hot dogs), battling mosquitos, playing softball and other “sports” (badly, most of us), attending panels hung over, and mostly just catching up with each other in the quad at night.
I’m almost finished prettying up the interview I conducted earlier this week. Another read-through and I’ll be ready to send it off to my editors. Then it’s back to the most recent short story for a couple of more editing passes and then, perhaps, a fresh start on a new story. I also have to write a Storytellers Unplugged essay this weekend, to be posted on Tuesday, and I haven’t yet come up with an idea to write about. Any suggestions?
The first player was evicted from Big Brother 8 last night. Wouldn’t have been my choice, but it was nearly a unanimous decision. Evil Dick is an interesting guy. I hope he hangs in there for a while. The houseguest nobody likes won HoH, so the next week should be interesting, to say the least.
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