A few years ago, I remember how worried we were that an errant rocket from our neighbors’ illicit fireworks launch would land on our roof and set the house on fire. No such concerns this year. The biggest risk in watching fireworks in 2007 is that you might drown if you open your mouth while looking skyward. Actually, it’s not quite that bad, but almost. The forecast says it might not rain during the evening tomorrow—just the rest of the time leading up to it.
To date I’ve removed over 400 words from the story in progress, and that’s from the first four pages. I write in a lot of material that doesn’t need to be there, but that seems to be part of the process for me. Get it all down and then take out the unnecessary bits upon revision.
“Re-entry,” the most recent episode of The Dead Zone was pretty good. They’re really going out of their way to rehabilitate the Stillson character this season. He’s still ruthless, but it’s the sort of ruthlessness that is part-and-parcel of modern politics without all the subterfuge and caballing. The Closer had some very funny moments last night, too. I caught the rerun of the pilot of Burn Notice over the weekend and it intrigued me enough to contemplate checking it out this week to see if it keeps up the pace.