The Princes and Utopia

I watched the Dateline NBC interview with Princes William and Harry last night (from tape). As a citizen of the British Commonwealth, I’ve always had more than a passing interest in the monarchy. Everything used to grind to a halt around our house on Christmas Day when the Queen’s message came on. I met Princess Diana and Prince Charles in the early 1980s when they came to a nearby town for a royal visit, and I remember in a JFK/John Lennon kinda way exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news of Diana’s death. The interview was interesting, especially the way the two brothers joked with each other. Also their awareness of how their fame impacts their friends.

Then, Utopia, the most recent Doctor Who, and what a cruel cliffhanger that was. Interesting developments with respect to Captain Jack (did “we” know this already from Torchwood, which I’ve not seen, or was that news?). I hope they reinvent the revealed villains in much the same way as the recent series has reinvented the other traditional baddies. The guys with the pointy teeth looked like unused extras from a Klingon episode of The Next Generation. I wonder if the Doctor’s hand will do an Evil Dead gag. Only two episodes to go until the end of the season. Looks like we’re in for a big send-off.

Another gallon or two of rain last night with more forecast for the afternoon.

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