
The rain continues, though there haven’t been many drops today. Not in this part of the state, anyway. Parts of Central Texas saw 18″ (45 cm) in a 12 hour period on top of already saturated ground, so there’s been severe flooding over there. The soggy ground has been good for the mushroom population. I swear those suckers pop out of the ground fully formed like comic book flowers. *sproing*

I thought I was going to finish my new short story this morning, but I only got close. I knew how it was going to end, then I went off in a different direction, course corrected, but by then it was time to pack up for the day. I deleted about 150 words of tangent, which puts me at 5100 words since Sunday. I figure I’ll be done in 4-500 more words. A little longer first draft than I expected, but I’ll probably cut at least 500 and maybe as much as 1000 during revision.

Watched “Ego,” the most recent episode of The Dead Zone last night. Introduced the new sheriff and her conflict with Johnny, but the plot itself was sort of tepid. The ending with Sarah was what I figured would happen, and could lead to some new plot directions. I also happened upon a rerun of the season finale of Eureka—I’d seen the first four or five episodes and then missed a bunch, so I wasn’t quite up with who was who—and I have no idea what this artifact thing is that everyone was going on about—but it kept my interest.

My story “Harming Obsession” was supposed to appear in Post Mortem issue #5, but with the demise of Nocturne Press it looks like there isn’t going to be and issue 5. One of the few times I’ve been paid for something that didn’t happen. Another instance is the Italian translation of The Road to the Dark Tower, which has failed to materialize, despite them paying a decent advance and taking possession of the manuscript.

I’m going off to see 1408 this evening. It was a toss-up between that and the Paris Hilton interview on Larry King. Tough choice, that one.

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