It’s a nice rainy weekend here in southeast Texas. Haven’t had to water the lawn yet this year. Good weather to stay indoors and read/write. I submitted two short stories yesterday after spending some time polishing them up. One dates back to 1983, though it’s been beefed up and rewritten substantially since then. The other is more recent. Twenty-first century stuff.
My June Storytellers Unplugged essay, Pushing the Rope, is now live at the site. I also recorded the essay and it is available as a podcast that will shortly be on iTunes, too, as well as at the link here. Brian Hodge provided the intro and outro segments and some solid advice on how to edit it all together. I used his earlier Storytellers podcast Killing Your Parents, One Way or Another as the model for mine, too.
I see that Into the Dreamlands is now available at Amazon for a nice discount.
Also, for folks who want to get their hands on Doctor Who: Destination Prague—and who doesn’t?—here are some places you’ll be able to order it:,, Mike’s Comics (store in Worcester, Massachusetts), Who North America. Thanks to Keith DeCandido for the links.
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