Falling on my head like a memory

Yesterday was fairly dry, but the rain has returned again today, with a minor vengeance. I passed two fender-benders on the way to the gym at noon and drove through axle-deep water on the way back. If it keeps up like this, I won’t have to mow the lawn tomorrow morning.

I took the morning off from writing today. By the time Friday rolls around, I need a break and an extra 90 minutes of sleep. Cumulative sleep loss robs me of the ability to think straight, so it’s pretty much a waste of time to get up at 5 a.m. anyway. It gives me a day of distance from the story I now have to revise and edit. I got some good notes on it from my first reader and hope to chop it up into little pieces this weekend and put it back together again. I have a gut feeling that it’s about 25% too long at present.

Got word that physical copies of Doctor Who: Destination Prague exist and we should be seeing our copies in the very near future. I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on this one.

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