
Laser proofs have been approved and Doctor Who: Destination Prague is printing right this very moment. Ten days from now the finished hardcovers will be shipping to contributors and the book, the biggest Big Finish Doctor Who book ever, will be in shops in the UK in two weeks. You can order it from Amazon UK and you can request to be notified when it’s available on Amazon in the US. It’s got Braunbeck. It’s got Keene. It’s got Lucy Snyder and James A. Moore. And others…including me. You know you gotta have it.

I played around last night creating a podcast of my upcoming Storytellers Unplugged essay. Came up with something serviceable but I’m going to try again this weekend with some better software. Brian Hodge provided me with intros and outros he used for his podcast and I have to splice these onto my recording without creating pops and the seams.

I had two extremely large (3-4″) snails procreating on my office window this morning. Ugly suckers with hydra-like heads. They needed to get a room. After a while I heard a clunk and saw that they’d fallen to the ground. Either they were done or they got carried away.

Watched Angelina Jolie on Larry King Live last night. Pretty impressed with what she’s been up to lately. She seems to have come into her own.

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