CBS confirmed today that Jericho is history. Blast. (pun quasi-intended)
It was good to see Robert Wagner on the finale of 2-½ Men. He’s just as cool and suave as ever. They should have pretended he was Jonathan Hart, all these years later.
I spent a lot of time preparing submissions this morning and managed to only get one story out the door. It’s a long one, 6200 words, so finding a market that takes stories of that length isn’t all that easy. I looked at another story with a mind toward submitting it (it’s only been out the door twice, and not at all for a couple of years) but when I perused the document I discovered it needs some work. The POV wandered dreadfully between third person limited and general third person. Sometimes readers saw the protagonist from outside and sometimes from inside, and that didn’t work at all. It’s a nasty little story and, like so much of my work, completely non-supernatural.
My Storytellers Unplugged essay goes up tomorrow morning. It’ll be called “Take a Trip and Never Leave the Farm.” We got a kick out of the scene in House last night where they administered shrooms to the jerk kid. The sixties/seventies Shaft-style music that kicked in was a good touch. Otherwise the episode was sort of “meh.”
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