Monthly Archives: October 2012

Ninja voting

Around here, they also call it “severe weather” if the mercury dips into the 30s and 40s. Thoughts with those on the east coast as Sandy advances. When Ike struck, we weathered the storm just fine. It wasn’t until 24 … Continue reading

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The vote

This weekend I’m going to do something I’ve never done before: Vote in an election in the US. I became a citizen earlier this year, so it’s my first opportunity. It’s been a long time since I voted anywhere in … Continue reading

Posted in Covert Affairs, Criminal Minds, CSI, NCIS, Sons of Anarchy, Survivor, SVU | Comments Off on The vote

Let’s all play Battleship

I finished The Twelve by Justin Cronin this weekend and posted my review. It’s a decent book, but it has some problems, some of them attributable to “middle-of-the-trilogy”-itis and some by questionable story structure. My review is posted here. I also reviewed Revenge … Continue reading

Posted in Mentalist, movies, Survivor | Comments Off on Let’s all play Battleship

Narrative lapses and shortcuts

We’ll see how long this lasts. I finally received a car magnet supporting my candidates of choice. As some of you may know, this is the first time I’ve been able to vote in a presidential election. I’ve even contributed … Continue reading

Posted in Castle, Sons of Anarchy, The Closer | Comments Off on Narrative lapses and shortcuts

The knowledge

Watched Fearless Felix take his amazing leap into the history books yesterday. I can’t help but think there were moments when he had to ask himself what on earth he was thinking. Finished The Wire this weekend. The “serial killer” … Continue reading

Posted in Fringe, Haven, movies, The Wire | Comments Off on The knowledge

I’m your Venus

I’m halfway through the fifth and final season of The Wire. I like the way they change up the theme song each season. I just realized that Steve Earle, who sings the theme for the final season, also plays Bubbles’ … Continue reading

Posted in CSI, Fringe, Justified, movies, Sons of Anarchy, Survivor, SVU, The Wire | Comments Off on I’m your Venus

Down the rabbit hole

I sort of relaxed and got caught up on things over the long weekend. Does signing ~1000 signature sheets count as relaxing? I did them while watching recorded TV shows, so it wasn’t too taxing. They’re for the revised and … Continue reading

Posted in Big Bang Theory, Castle, Doctor Who, Fringe, Haven, Mentalist, Sons of Anarchy, The Closer, The Wire | Comments Off on Down the rabbit hole


Haven’t made a post here in over a week because I’ve spent most of the last week in Halifax. Our daughter graduated from Dalhousie with a Master of Arts degree on Tuesday. We flew up on Saturday, went out to … Continue reading

Posted in NCIS, Survivor, The Wire | Comments Off on Mini-vaca