Monthly Archives: April 2010


I might have written this before, but when it came to the Bram Stoker Awards last month, I wasn’t nervous leading up to the presentation. I pretty much figured how it was going to go, and the adrenaline only kicked … Continue reading

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Something in Store

I updated my online “store,” which has handy links to Amazon for my books and for anthologies that include my stories, including When the Night Comes Down, Evolve, Close Encounters of the Urban Kind, and Dead Set. I posted my … Continue reading

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Time is not the boss of me

Ed Gorman kindly posted a Q&A with me on his Pro-File this weekend. In it I talk about the novel in progress, my experience selling my first book, pleasures and displeasures of a writing career, and I offer a little … Continue reading

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Never let the truth get in the way of a good story

A nice review of When the Night Comes Down was posted this weekend at Shroud Magazine’s website. I finished reading the other stories in the collection this weekend. It’s an interesting mix, with some fascinating crossovers of theme or concept … Continue reading

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Falling feels like flying, for a little while

It was supposed to rain buckets today, but it turned out to be very nice. I have the office window open as I work, and the outside world is full of the sounds of lawn mowers and leaf blowers in their … Continue reading

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There’s an app for that

Got back to my prep work on the novel in progress this morning after a 1-day hiatus. I’m thinking about charting the whole thing out on a big sheet of paper on my wall. Only problem is–my office doesn’t have … Continue reading

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Em Are Eye

I just received my contributor copy of Close Encounter of the Urban Kind, edited by Jennifer Brozek. You  should check it out if you get a chance — it’s about urban legends that actually have alien explanations. My tale is … Continue reading

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I’m all set for my radio interview with KLVT on Monday morning. Alas, it does not appear that the station streams on the internet. My outlining and plotting proceed apace on the novel. I finished summarizing the plot of the … Continue reading

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On Saturday, my latest Storytellers Unplugged essay went live: The Agent Panel. It’s a recap of a panel at the Houston Writers Guild conference I attended a week or so ago. I finished and submitted the story I’ve been working … Continue reading

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Looking for an agent?

Today on Storytellers Unplugged: The Agent Panel.

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